Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How to Start a Virtual Bankruptcy Assistant Service

How to Start a Virtual Bankruptcy Assistant Service
(a training manual for attorneys, paralegals and
other legal professionals working in debtor bankruptcy)
ISBN: 0-9761591-7-1

I have ever read — even better than many of the books I used in law school. In Victoria's book, she credits the entire concept development of the virtual bankruptcy assistant field to a bankruptcy attorney she worked for in Columbus, Ohio.
(Dennis pulls the book out from his briefcase, turns to Page 221 and begins reading . . .)
"My story begins back in March 2000 (just after the Y2K scare of 1999.) The bankruptcy attorney I was working for on a part-time basis decided to try an experiment. I would stop working in the office and instead process bankruptcy petitions from my home office. The attorney believed that taking the petition preparation work out of the office environment, the office would become less chaotic and result in more detailed bankruptcy petitions. He also believed that by paying me on a per job basis versus an hourly wage, he would save money."

Now you and your staff can prevent “desk overload.” Virtual assistants aide in the reduction of workload for your paralegals and other law office personnel.

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