Thursday, February 26, 2009

Although his office is in Burbank

Although his office is in Burbank, Troy is extremely familiar with the surrounding neighborhoods. Whether you like the south side of The Valley including Toluca Lake, Studio City, Sherman Oaks, Encino, Tarzana and Woodland Hills, or if you prefer to own in the northern part where you will find North Hills, Granada Hills, Northridge, Chatsworth and Mission Hills, Troy knows the area. Let's not forget right down the middle with Van Nuys, North Hollywood, Reseda, Valley Glen and Valley Village. If you need to be near a college, he also knows Glendale and Northridge. For his special clients, he will go to the Santa Clarita towns of Newhall, Saugus, Canyon Country and Valencia.
His award-winning relocation service is top notch when it comes to moving in or out of the area, whether across town, across the country, even internationally!


Troy, as one of the top real estate professionals in the Burbank / Los Angeles / Foothills area, prides himself with providing excellent service to his clients. His commitment to life-long learning to sharpen his professional, personal and interpersonal skills has allowed him to remain a leader in today’s real estate market.

A rare Southern California native

A rare Southern California native, Troy has lived in the San Fernando Valley since 1977. Raised in Burbank, he is a 1986 graduate of Burbank High School. From 1990-1996 he served as a flight engineer on UH-60 Helicopters in Germany. Upon his return to Los Angeles, he spent a short period of time in the film industry while he studied for his real estate exam. Having served in the military and purchasing his own first home with a V.A. loan, he knows all the ins and outs to help his fellow Veterans with their purchase.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


increased by 50% in a short period of only 3
months. The experiment proved to be a great
Matt: I still don't understand why more attorneys have not heard about this concept. If other attorneys have had such a great success using virtual bankruptcy assistants since the original concept in 2000, why has no one heard about it?
Dennis: One reason is that many attorneys are reluctant to change. If they heard about virtual assistants they normally dismissed them as UPL violators. Also, for many years, the majority of debtor bankruptcy attorneys did not acknowledge the importance of preparing well-detailed bankruptcy petitions. In most law firms, the bankruptcy petition was nothing more than a set of forms and the law office staff treated them like data entry documents. Therefore, millions of bankruptcy petitions were filed in court with major errors. The law firm then had to deal with drafting Amendments when the Trustee found these errors.

"During the experiment

"During the experiment, I discovered that I could easily draft 15 petitions in a weekend compared to only 4 petitions if I worked in the office (due to constant interruptions). I also found that most clients were home in the evening and on weekends and I could quickly get answers regarding incomplete information on the Client Intake Forms without playing telephone tag. By making a simple 10-minute phone call to the client, the attorney determined that this reduced the phone calls to his office by 85% and his clients were more relaxed and cooperative talking to me versus the attorney. Happy clients make for easier and smoother bankruptcy filings and this effect spilled over into many more benefits for the office staff as well as the attorney."
"My attorney and I continued the experiment for several more months and the results continued to improve. In fact, the attorney found he had more free time and was able to take a day off every week. He also noticed that his profits had

Advances in technology now allows you
to hold the keys to your law firm’s financial success.

How to Start a Virtual Bankruptcy Assistant Service

How to Start a Virtual Bankruptcy Assistant Service
(a training manual for attorneys, paralegals and
other legal professionals working in debtor bankruptcy)
ISBN: 0-9761591-7-1

I have ever read — even better than many of the books I used in law school. In Victoria's book, she credits the entire concept development of the virtual bankruptcy assistant field to a bankruptcy attorney she worked for in Columbus, Ohio.
(Dennis pulls the book out from his briefcase, turns to Page 221 and begins reading . . .)
"My story begins back in March 2000 (just after the Y2K scare of 1999.) The bankruptcy attorney I was working for on a part-time basis decided to try an experiment. I would stop working in the office and instead process bankruptcy petitions from my home office. The attorney believed that taking the petition preparation work out of the office environment, the office would become less chaotic and result in more detailed bankruptcy petitions. He also believed that by paying me on a per job basis versus an hourly wage, he would save money."

Now you and your staff can prevent “desk overload.” Virtual assistants aide in the reduction of workload for your paralegals and other law office personnel.

Monday, February 23, 2009

This book will provide you with alternative methods

This book will provide you with alternative methods
and procedures that will help to:

. Increase your hourly income up to 1,000%.
. Ease or eliminate your staff’s current heavy
. Cut your law firm’s prep time by 75% or more
per case.
. Lessen the filing of Amendments due to
mistakes and errors caused in the original

Stop searching in the dark for good paralegal services.
The world of virtual assistants are available to you
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Stop playing the balancing act and learn how to

Stop playing the balancing act and learn how to
increase the profits for your law firm.

How to Increase Profits
for Your Law Firm

A law firm is like any other business. It must make
a profit or it will cease to exist. And as you know, time
is also money - but most law firms are already working
on maximum overload so it is easy to lose track of the
overall picture. However, before you know it - your law
firm could be losing thousands of dollars and you won’t
know about it until it is too late.

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