Wednesday, February 25, 2009


increased by 50% in a short period of only 3
months. The experiment proved to be a great
Matt: I still don't understand why more attorneys have not heard about this concept. If other attorneys have had such a great success using virtual bankruptcy assistants since the original concept in 2000, why has no one heard about it?
Dennis: One reason is that many attorneys are reluctant to change. If they heard about virtual assistants they normally dismissed them as UPL violators. Also, for many years, the majority of debtor bankruptcy attorneys did not acknowledge the importance of preparing well-detailed bankruptcy petitions. In most law firms, the bankruptcy petition was nothing more than a set of forms and the law office staff treated them like data entry documents. Therefore, millions of bankruptcy petitions were filed in court with major errors. The law firm then had to deal with drafting Amendments when the Trustee found these errors.

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