Saturday, February 14, 2009

Leucorrhea look unusual hidden behind the murderous

Leucorrhea look unusual hidden behind the murderous 

Leucorrhea abnormal 

Under normal circumstances, the vagina and vulva often have a small amount of secretions in order to maintain moist, described as leucorrhea; are mucosal exudation from the vagina, cervix and endometrial gland secretions of the vaginal epithelium and containing exfoliated cells, leukocytes. 
Leucorrhea normal white, odorless, and its quantity, quality and physical changes in physiological conditions. Such as increased secretion of abnormal or traits, are called pathological leucorrhea, leucorrhea abnormal. 
Leucorrhea abnormality may be caused by the following diseases: 
Fungal vaginitis 
Suffering from fungal vaginitis, the leucorrhea yellow or white, the majority of viscous texture, and sometimes can also be thin texture, typical of leukorrhea was like bean curd residue or curdling block; fungal vulvitis clinical symptoms of itching, burning sensation and urine pain (concurrent urethritis), many women complained of pain in life. Around the vulva often redness, edema. A variety of epidermal changes: can happen very shallow vesicular papules occur in groups; also the formation of erosive eczema-like, confined to the vulva or the surrounding extended to the perineum, anus and surrounding reproductive plica shares until the inner thighs, the appearance of completely similar to acute or subacute eczema, between the labia minora and clitoris mucosal thickening near each other come into contact with the skin surface erosion flushing; individual can cause small white pustule, ulcer serious happened, lesion pain, regional lymph node inflammation. 
Trichomonas vaginitis 
Trichomonas vaginitis purulent leukorrhea for thin, color yellow, have a bubble, or such as kind, color gray, leucorrhea foul smell; trichomonal vulvitis often secondary to trichomonas vaginitis. Women many of Trichomonas vaginalis parasites on the vagina, urethra, Bartholin's gland and bladder. Bartholin's gland involvement are rare. Trichomonas vaginalis is a flagellate than polymorphonuclear leukocyte larger, showing pear-shaped, the top four have flagella, the rear axle has protruding column can be parasitic in the human body without causing clinical symptoms. Some bacteria can be induced active and produce symptoms of trichomoniasis, but the in vivo antibody can be direct or indirect dissemination, mainly through the bath, a bath, swimming pools, or to disinfect medical instruments and other means of indirect spread. Directly through the dissemination of sex life, came from the male urinary system, the patient's urine and feces may also be sources. 
The incubation period is 4 ~ 28 days, vaginal mucous membrane or small particles have red blood spots. pH values higher than normal. Vagina how the volume of yellow-green or gray discharge outflow bubble, has taste, sometimes mixed with some blood or purulent, to stimulate the genital secretions and itching. Genital redness, inflammation or even ulceration, and some abrasions caused by humid and can be spread to the reproductive shares plica. When the pain of life, and may have , frequent urination and other symptoms. 
Cervical erosion 
Leucorrhea cervical erosion when the general color yellow, such as quality visco, many tasteless; cervical stimulation as a result of varying degrees of inflammation, cervical mucous Department slower growth of columnar epithelium, epithelial flat, smooth appearance, which is simple erosion; columnar epithelium growth rate fast, when the formation of hypertrophic adenoid glands erosion. If the gland may be for the expansion of follicular erosion, at the same time with stromal hyperplasia, the formation of small protrusions, coating uneven columnar epithelium, the formation of papillary erosion. The above types can be mixed happen often. Cervical erosion are the most common gynecological diseases as a. 
The main symptoms for leucorrhea increase purulent. May have fallen in the lower abdomen and lumbosacral pain and bladder irritation; erosive surface heavier patients with varying degrees short bloody secretions, typical in sexual life after the bloody secretions, cervical viscous purulent secretions, adverse sperm through, resulting in infertility. 
Their infection from sexually transmitted diseases, but sometimes there will be no obvious incentive. 
Mainly for bacterial infection, bacterial infection types are: Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, streptococcus, anaerobes, in addition to gonococcus. There are also infected with pathogens such as Mycoplasma. 
Under normal circumstances, women acidic vaginal environment, cervical mucus has suppository, which are the body's physiological barriers, to resist the intrusion of bacteria. However, in exceptional circumstances, such as menstruation, childbirth, abortion and all kinds of uterine cavity after operation, the role of such barriers weaken or even disappear, easily caused by invasive bacteria, resulting in endometritis, Also, pay no attention to personal hygiene, menstrual sexually transmitted diseases, sexual life heterosexual Living Health and disease, older women as a result of estrogen in vivo decreased vaginal acidity drop and suppository to reduce the cervical mucus, prone to senile vaginitis, and further development of endometritis. 
Fallopian tube cancer patients, because of the tumor to stimulate oviduct epithelial lesion exudate and tissue necrosis, it will result in water samples leucorrhea, continuous constant.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Hepatitis B can also give birth to a healthy mother baby

Hepatitis B can also give birth to a healthy mother baby 


Early in the morning, the People's Liberation Army 302 Hospital Professor Liu Shijing liver as usual 8 o'clock time came to office before the patient saw a pair of young couples and so early there. 
Man that shows the slightest sad eyes, begged to ask: "are? Do you watch my daughter-in-law could be pregnant?" 
"Do not worry, said slowly, with me to the clinic!" Professor Liu Shijing side door, while the couple invited to the clinic. 
Professor Liu understand this couple's situation, daughter-in-law are the original patients with chronic hepatitis B, liver function in the normal range, but alanine aminotransferase have been relatively high, married 5 years did not dare to have children at home there are very anxious, fear is born "Little B." The 302 came to hospital would like to ask Professor Liu Shijing in the end how to do? 
Heard them described the situation END, Professor Liu Shijing patted the shoulders of the man said with a smile, brothers, do not worry, although the daughter-in-law saying that you are hepatitis B patients, but normal liver function, the body does not have any other disease, and now there is no problem with pregnancy. As for children's health problems, you do not have to worry, as long as 2 hours after birth, hepatitis B vaccination and hepatitis B immune globulin, it can also have a healthy baby. 
Stories like this every day are put on 302 hospital, Professor Liu Shijing told us that many people mistakenly believe that they need to cure chronic hepatitis B virus completely clear in order to have a healthy baby, this is the greatest women of childbearing age treatment errors. 
Professor Liu Shijing accept drug calendar network reporters that women of reproductive age use of hepatitis B is about, if circumstances permit in the body, the liver function of the indicators are normal, first of all, life should be considered to complete the most important thing -- - children should not be first choice of antiviral therapy. Hepatitis B treatment will be a long and arduous protracted war, they are not aware of a drug on its own what it means, do not know anti-virus treatment on children what kind of negative impact. 
Women of childbearing age in the first three months of pregnancy for fetal growth and development the most critical period in which any drugs (not just hepatitis B drug use) are likely to become deformed children are, so use this time to take special care to avoid the use of high-risk drugs. If some people have chosen to first anti-viral treatment, Professor Liu is recommended for pregnant women should not blindly drug, which will be in a serious condition caused by a rebound, it should be to continue treatment. During this dangerous period, the Doctor will be in accordance with the circumstances of each mother, respectively, belong to the same security used in the B category for lamivudine and set. People's Republic of China Hepatitis B drug lamivudine in the treatment of 11 years, and accumulated on the hundreds of cases to prove that this drug is safe. 
In real life, hepatitis B can give birth to healthy baby mother, has been mostly in the eyes of the public a different view. Professor Liu Shijing tell us, in fact, hepatitis B do not have to give their mother has too much pressure, as long as the child was born within two hours, hepatitis B vaccination and hepatitis B immune globulin, have been able to ensure that every child is a healthy baby. In Ditan hospital and maternity hospital have hepatitis B are specialized wards, their main task is to hepatitis B birth mother, from the latest cases of 500 cases of birth, the vast majority of it will be a healthy baby, only there will be a very small number of intrauterine infections. 
In addition, Professor Liu also suggested that hepatitis B for baby mother's health, not in the first three months when breastfeeding their children. End injection of hepatitis B vaccine and hepatitis B immune globulin after the babies have 80 percent less than a month will have hepatitis B antibodies, while the other 20% of the babies have to wait three months before they can have hepatitis B antibodies, so as a result of mothers are hepatitis B virus carriers, the milk will exist in a certain amount of virus, if breast-feeding, the first three months of the child are very likely to be infected with hepatitis B virus. 
Finally, Professor Liu Shijing warned all HBV mother, your baby's health just because he (she) in the Nativity, you timely preventive measures. Please do not let the next generation for their ignorance to pay, give birth to a "small B", that time is too late often.

The elderly avoid eating fish easily elevated cholesterol

The elderly avoid eating fish easily elevated cholesterol 

Health care for the elderly health and longevity diet 

I believe a lot of people know that fish its rich nutritional value, fresh and delicate taste, loved by the elderly has become a standing dish on the dinner table. However, people with existing coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and other chronic diseases, the elderly, should be selected with less high-cholesterol-free fish scales 

But many elderly people are suffering from coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and other chronic diseases, these diseases are related to excessive intake of fats and cholesterol, and diet on the need to pay attention to it. Typically, each containing 100 grams of food in more than 200 mg cholesterol, medically known as "high cholesterol food." In every 100 grams of food, pork containing about 69 milligrams of cholesterol, about 60 mg of mutton, chicken, about 80 mg, and the whitebait is as high as 361 mg, about 177 mg, Paramisgurnus about 136 mg, about 126 mg Monopterus , cod about 114 mg. So, like whitebait,  loach, eels, cod, such as high cholesterol content of fish without scales, the elderly should be minimal food and cholesterol intake per day should be controlled below 300 mg. Roe cholesterol content than the variety of fish are high, about 100 grams each containing more than 400 milligrams of cholesterol, the elderly do not eat the best. 
Other with high cholesterol try eating meat such as beef and should eat some vegetables to balance the body's absorption, such as onion, edible fungus, celery, mushrooms, etc., you can play lower cholesterol and reduce the role of lipids. Of course, not all non-scale fish containing high cholesterol, such as fish, each about 100 grams contain only 76 milligrams of cholesterol, are no restrictions on consumption.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Men would like to bid farewell to infertility on the farther away from the beer

Men would like to bid farewell to infertility on the farther away from the beer 

  Male infertility 

Men are like beer, friends are the main it, many people drink out of a beer belly, perhaps it does not consider. But it will affect your ability to bear children yo, according to a survey by birth should not drink beer but a lot of examples, do not fall easily light heart. 
Jianpi beer has the effect of an appetizer, a lot of people treat it as a day-to-day soft drinks, even as "liquid bread." Especially in the summer, the beer has become people's favorite beverage table. And British scientists recently issued a warning: the beer directly affect male fertility. 
According to reports, King's College London fertility expert Lynn? Fraser studied the impact of reproductive capacity of three chemical substances - soybeans and other legumes genistein, hops in the 8-prenylnaringenin as well as cleaning agents, paints, herbicides and pesticides contain Nonyl phenol and so on. Scientists have found that these substances can mimic the function of estrogen and affect the action of sperm, thereby reducing the efficiency of male fertility. 
Experts explained that when sperm met the egg will release an enzyme to break through the egg's outer membrane, and estrogen can stimulate the activity of sperm, if not yet mature sperm prematurely by stimulation encountered in the absence of eggs when the release of enzymes, until the real needs of the time, but the egg can not break through the outer membrane, then fertility will be affected. 
As the saying goes: unfilial have three, no post, and on the idea at this stage we have not evolved to make the extent of DINK families, so, for your future well-being of life, cutting points, or simply do not drink!

Beware! Finger pain is a harbinger of disease!

Beware! Finger pain is a harbinger of disease! 

Health health health finger disease 

Little finger pain 
     Cardiac or intestinal problems. 
     Ring finger on the side of the little finger tip has less red hole, the other side has less Chak temple. Less closely related to red with the heart, so heart attack, the pinkie finger pressing force can attack more relaxed and less Ze Meridian Point is the small intestine, small intestine poor, they can push this fingertip force. 

Ring finger pain 
     Is a sore throat or headache occurred. 
     In the ring finger of Sanjiao Guan Chong, there is a hole, fever when you rub this site. 
Middle finger pain 
      Heat resulting in the heart of not feeling well, they will feel the pain here. 
     Middle finger has a hole in the red, is located in the heart surrounded by the pericardium, the emergence of contingency does not apply to massage. 
Index finger pain 
     Index finger on the large intestine associated with business-yang cave, the phenomenon has constipation of the finger pressure pain deeply, and the large intestine may be a problem. 
Thumb pain 
     Thumb in the small business Meridian, is closely linked with the lung. Such as lung disease have pressure this site, it will jump up pain. 
     Found to have these symptoms checked urgently.