Sunday, February 8, 2009

Beware! Finger pain is a harbinger of disease!

Beware! Finger pain is a harbinger of disease! 

Health health health finger disease 

Little finger pain 
     Cardiac or intestinal problems. 
     Ring finger on the side of the little finger tip has less red hole, the other side has less Chak temple. Less closely related to red with the heart, so heart attack, the pinkie finger pressing force can attack more relaxed and less Ze Meridian Point is the small intestine, small intestine poor, they can push this fingertip force. 

Ring finger pain 
     Is a sore throat or headache occurred. 
     In the ring finger of Sanjiao Guan Chong, there is a hole, fever when you rub this site. 
Middle finger pain 
      Heat resulting in the heart of not feeling well, they will feel the pain here. 
     Middle finger has a hole in the red, is located in the heart surrounded by the pericardium, the emergence of contingency does not apply to massage. 
Index finger pain 
     Index finger on the large intestine associated with business-yang cave, the phenomenon has constipation of the finger pressure pain deeply, and the large intestine may be a problem. 
Thumb pain 
     Thumb in the small business Meridian, is closely linked with the lung. Such as lung disease have pressure this site, it will jump up pain. 
     Found to have these symptoms checked urgently.

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