Saturday, February 14, 2009

Leucorrhea look unusual hidden behind the murderous

Leucorrhea look unusual hidden behind the murderous 

Leucorrhea abnormal 

Under normal circumstances, the vagina and vulva often have a small amount of secretions in order to maintain moist, described as leucorrhea; are mucosal exudation from the vagina, cervix and endometrial gland secretions of the vaginal epithelium and containing exfoliated cells, leukocytes. 
Leucorrhea normal white, odorless, and its quantity, quality and physical changes in physiological conditions. Such as increased secretion of abnormal or traits, are called pathological leucorrhea, leucorrhea abnormal. 
Leucorrhea abnormality may be caused by the following diseases: 
Fungal vaginitis 
Suffering from fungal vaginitis, the leucorrhea yellow or white, the majority of viscous texture, and sometimes can also be thin texture, typical of leukorrhea was like bean curd residue or curdling block; fungal vulvitis clinical symptoms of itching, burning sensation and urine pain (concurrent urethritis), many women complained of pain in life. Around the vulva often redness, edema. A variety of epidermal changes: can happen very shallow vesicular papules occur in groups; also the formation of erosive eczema-like, confined to the vulva or the surrounding extended to the perineum, anus and surrounding reproductive plica shares until the inner thighs, the appearance of completely similar to acute or subacute eczema, between the labia minora and clitoris mucosal thickening near each other come into contact with the skin surface erosion flushing; individual can cause small white pustule, ulcer serious happened, lesion pain, regional lymph node inflammation. 
Trichomonas vaginitis 
Trichomonas vaginitis purulent leukorrhea for thin, color yellow, have a bubble, or such as kind, color gray, leucorrhea foul smell; trichomonal vulvitis often secondary to trichomonas vaginitis. Women many of Trichomonas vaginalis parasites on the vagina, urethra, Bartholin's gland and bladder. Bartholin's gland involvement are rare. Trichomonas vaginalis is a flagellate than polymorphonuclear leukocyte larger, showing pear-shaped, the top four have flagella, the rear axle has protruding column can be parasitic in the human body without causing clinical symptoms. Some bacteria can be induced active and produce symptoms of trichomoniasis, but the in vivo antibody can be direct or indirect dissemination, mainly through the bath, a bath, swimming pools, or to disinfect medical instruments and other means of indirect spread. Directly through the dissemination of sex life, came from the male urinary system, the patient's urine and feces may also be sources. 
The incubation period is 4 ~ 28 days, vaginal mucous membrane or small particles have red blood spots. pH values higher than normal. Vagina how the volume of yellow-green or gray discharge outflow bubble, has taste, sometimes mixed with some blood or purulent, to stimulate the genital secretions and itching. Genital redness, inflammation or even ulceration, and some abrasions caused by humid and can be spread to the reproductive shares plica. When the pain of life, and may have , frequent urination and other symptoms. 
Cervical erosion 
Leucorrhea cervical erosion when the general color yellow, such as quality visco, many tasteless; cervical stimulation as a result of varying degrees of inflammation, cervical mucous Department slower growth of columnar epithelium, epithelial flat, smooth appearance, which is simple erosion; columnar epithelium growth rate fast, when the formation of hypertrophic adenoid glands erosion. If the gland may be for the expansion of follicular erosion, at the same time with stromal hyperplasia, the formation of small protrusions, coating uneven columnar epithelium, the formation of papillary erosion. The above types can be mixed happen often. Cervical erosion are the most common gynecological diseases as a. 
The main symptoms for leucorrhea increase purulent. May have fallen in the lower abdomen and lumbosacral pain and bladder irritation; erosive surface heavier patients with varying degrees short bloody secretions, typical in sexual life after the bloody secretions, cervical viscous purulent secretions, adverse sperm through, resulting in infertility. 
Their infection from sexually transmitted diseases, but sometimes there will be no obvious incentive. 
Mainly for bacterial infection, bacterial infection types are: Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, streptococcus, anaerobes, in addition to gonococcus. There are also infected with pathogens such as Mycoplasma. 
Under normal circumstances, women acidic vaginal environment, cervical mucus has suppository, which are the body's physiological barriers, to resist the intrusion of bacteria. However, in exceptional circumstances, such as menstruation, childbirth, abortion and all kinds of uterine cavity after operation, the role of such barriers weaken or even disappear, easily caused by invasive bacteria, resulting in endometritis, Also, pay no attention to personal hygiene, menstrual sexually transmitted diseases, sexual life heterosexual Living Health and disease, older women as a result of estrogen in vivo decreased vaginal acidity drop and suppository to reduce the cervical mucus, prone to senile vaginitis, and further development of endometritis. 
Fallopian tube cancer patients, because of the tumor to stimulate oviduct epithelial lesion exudate and tissue necrosis, it will result in water samples leucorrhea, continuous constant.

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