Friday, February 13, 2009

Hepatitis B can also give birth to a healthy mother baby

Hepatitis B can also give birth to a healthy mother baby 


Early in the morning, the People's Liberation Army 302 Hospital Professor Liu Shijing liver as usual 8 o'clock time came to office before the patient saw a pair of young couples and so early there. 
Man that shows the slightest sad eyes, begged to ask: "are? Do you watch my daughter-in-law could be pregnant?" 
"Do not worry, said slowly, with me to the clinic!" Professor Liu Shijing side door, while the couple invited to the clinic. 
Professor Liu understand this couple's situation, daughter-in-law are the original patients with chronic hepatitis B, liver function in the normal range, but alanine aminotransferase have been relatively high, married 5 years did not dare to have children at home there are very anxious, fear is born "Little B." The 302 came to hospital would like to ask Professor Liu Shijing in the end how to do? 
Heard them described the situation END, Professor Liu Shijing patted the shoulders of the man said with a smile, brothers, do not worry, although the daughter-in-law saying that you are hepatitis B patients, but normal liver function, the body does not have any other disease, and now there is no problem with pregnancy. As for children's health problems, you do not have to worry, as long as 2 hours after birth, hepatitis B vaccination and hepatitis B immune globulin, it can also have a healthy baby. 
Stories like this every day are put on 302 hospital, Professor Liu Shijing told us that many people mistakenly believe that they need to cure chronic hepatitis B virus completely clear in order to have a healthy baby, this is the greatest women of childbearing age treatment errors. 
Professor Liu Shijing accept drug calendar network reporters that women of reproductive age use of hepatitis B is about, if circumstances permit in the body, the liver function of the indicators are normal, first of all, life should be considered to complete the most important thing -- - children should not be first choice of antiviral therapy. Hepatitis B treatment will be a long and arduous protracted war, they are not aware of a drug on its own what it means, do not know anti-virus treatment on children what kind of negative impact. 
Women of childbearing age in the first three months of pregnancy for fetal growth and development the most critical period in which any drugs (not just hepatitis B drug use) are likely to become deformed children are, so use this time to take special care to avoid the use of high-risk drugs. If some people have chosen to first anti-viral treatment, Professor Liu is recommended for pregnant women should not blindly drug, which will be in a serious condition caused by a rebound, it should be to continue treatment. During this dangerous period, the Doctor will be in accordance with the circumstances of each mother, respectively, belong to the same security used in the B category for lamivudine and set. People's Republic of China Hepatitis B drug lamivudine in the treatment of 11 years, and accumulated on the hundreds of cases to prove that this drug is safe. 
In real life, hepatitis B can give birth to healthy baby mother, has been mostly in the eyes of the public a different view. Professor Liu Shijing tell us, in fact, hepatitis B do not have to give their mother has too much pressure, as long as the child was born within two hours, hepatitis B vaccination and hepatitis B immune globulin, have been able to ensure that every child is a healthy baby. In Ditan hospital and maternity hospital have hepatitis B are specialized wards, their main task is to hepatitis B birth mother, from the latest cases of 500 cases of birth, the vast majority of it will be a healthy baby, only there will be a very small number of intrauterine infections. 
In addition, Professor Liu also suggested that hepatitis B for baby mother's health, not in the first three months when breastfeeding their children. End injection of hepatitis B vaccine and hepatitis B immune globulin after the babies have 80 percent less than a month will have hepatitis B antibodies, while the other 20% of the babies have to wait three months before they can have hepatitis B antibodies, so as a result of mothers are hepatitis B virus carriers, the milk will exist in a certain amount of virus, if breast-feeding, the first three months of the child are very likely to be infected with hepatitis B virus. 
Finally, Professor Liu Shijing warned all HBV mother, your baby's health just because he (she) in the Nativity, you timely preventive measures. Please do not let the next generation for their ignorance to pay, give birth to a "small B", that time is too late often.


  1. Treatment of chronic hepatitis B the most effective way
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  2. Rather than drugs, better than drugs - our food after 3-6 months, can become negative transaminase.
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