Sunday, February 8, 2009

Men would like to bid farewell to infertility on the farther away from the beer

Men would like to bid farewell to infertility on the farther away from the beer 

  Male infertility 

Men are like beer, friends are the main it, many people drink out of a beer belly, perhaps it does not consider. But it will affect your ability to bear children yo, according to a survey by birth should not drink beer but a lot of examples, do not fall easily light heart. 
Jianpi beer has the effect of an appetizer, a lot of people treat it as a day-to-day soft drinks, even as "liquid bread." Especially in the summer, the beer has become people's favorite beverage table. And British scientists recently issued a warning: the beer directly affect male fertility. 
According to reports, King's College London fertility expert Lynn? Fraser studied the impact of reproductive capacity of three chemical substances - soybeans and other legumes genistein, hops in the 8-prenylnaringenin as well as cleaning agents, paints, herbicides and pesticides contain Nonyl phenol and so on. Scientists have found that these substances can mimic the function of estrogen and affect the action of sperm, thereby reducing the efficiency of male fertility. 
Experts explained that when sperm met the egg will release an enzyme to break through the egg's outer membrane, and estrogen can stimulate the activity of sperm, if not yet mature sperm prematurely by stimulation encountered in the absence of eggs when the release of enzymes, until the real needs of the time, but the egg can not break through the outer membrane, then fertility will be affected. 
As the saying goes: unfilial have three, no post, and on the idea at this stage we have not evolved to make the extent of DINK families, so, for your future well-being of life, cutting points, or simply do not drink!

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